- iOS: Added iPhone 7 and 7+ entries to the device enum.
- iOS: Updated Build and Run to work with Xcode 8.
- VR - Updated Oculus plugin to version 1.8.
- (none) - Fixed HoloLens touch injection for flat apps.
- (none) - Animation: Fixed the OverrideController memory leak.
- (778656) - Deployment: Enabling free users to access experimental builds.
- (811241) - GI: Fixed a crash in Reflection Probe component when multiple scenes are used.
- (812576) - Graphics: Fixed a crash in the Editor when material and shader properties weren't updated correctly.
- (821208) - Graphics: Fixed a crash that would in some cases happen after Material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial.
- (828145) - GUI: Fixed an issue where GUI::DrawTexture appeared darker than GUI::DrawTextureWithTexCoords when in Linear color space.
- (827851) - Input: Mouse position is now updated but not clamped on windows when outside of game window.
- (826595) - iOS: Added missing iOSTargetOSVersion enum entries.
- (824979) - iOS: Corrected the default setting for bitcode on the XCTest target to fix a linker error.
- (826526) - Mono: Use an IPv4 address (if one exists) before an IPv6 address for .NET remoting connections.
- (827984) - Mono/IL2CPP: Corrected a rare deadlock in the C# lock implementation.
- (797793) - OS X: Fixed memory leak in joystick input handling code.
- (825235) - Shaders: Fixed frac(constant) sometimes being mis-compiled.
- (none) - Shaders: Fixed shader compiler bug which could have caused errors in GLSL shaders that might crash the GPU on OSX.
- (822553) - Shaders: Fixed UNITY_APPLY_FOG not working as expected if an expression is passed as fog coordinate.
- (819470) - UI: Fixed a memory leak caused by IntermediateRenderers not being cleaned up.
- (none) - UI: Fixed a random crash in SyncElement caused by unknown parent canvas.
- (809374, 825435) - UI: Fixed an issue with animating canvas properties not applying.
- (821727) - UI: Fixed an issue with Canvas sorting order being incorrect under certain cases.
Revision: d64ba7d31ce9