Windows (X86-64)
Unity Editor Windows (X86-64)
Component Installers
macOS (X86-64)
Release Notes
- ((1039331)) - DCC: Updated Default Texture Format to low quality.
- (1049575(972060)) - Graphics: Fixed crash in Mesh.ClearBlendShapes.
- (1014151(1010809)) - Graphics: Fixed backface culling corner cases.
- (850163) - IL2CPP: Allow managed stack traces to work on the iOS App Store when an application is submitted with bitcode.
- (856344) - Scene Management: Fixed modifying asset import settings from script changing 'timeCreated' in the meta-file, breaking asset representation.
- (1002426) - Video: Fixed audio from UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer is distorted when Audio Output Mode is Direct.
- (1046113) - VR: Updated copy of warning and log message when using Canvas screen space overlay render mode when VR is enabled.
Revision: 726d0db4eeac